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Getting Started


Before including sora-editor library into your project, please ensure your environment and build configuration satisfy the requirements below:

  • Running Gradle on JDK 17 or above
  • The minimum Android SDK version of your module is at least Android L (API 21)
  • Project Java source compatibility and target compatibility is JavaVersion.VERSION_17
Set Java Source and Target Compatibilities
android {
    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_17
        targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_17
// If Kotlin used in your app
// kotlin {
//     jvmToolchain(17)
// }
android {
    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_17
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_17
For Non-Gradle Build Systems

The editor uses resources and is distributed in AAR files. Your build system must support processing AAR files.

If you are not using Gradle as your build system, we won't provide information related to your build issues.

Add Dependencies

Newest Version: Maven Central

Add sora-editor library to your app's dependencies:

dependencies {
dependencies {
    implementation 'io.github.Rosemoe.sora-editor:<moduleName>'

Replace the placeholder <versionName> and <moduleName> with correct version name and module name. You may add multiple modules to your project.

Here's an example for those who want to use TextMate grammars for syntax-highlighting in editor:

dependencies {
dependencies {
    implementation 'io.github.Rosemoe.sora-editor:editor'
    implementation 'io.github.Rosemoe.sora-editor:language-textmate'
dependencies {
    val editorVersion = "0.23.2"
dependencies {
    def editorVersion = '0.23.2'
    implementation 'io.github.Rosemoe.sora-editor:editor:$editorVersion'
    implementation 'io.github.Rosemoe.sora-editor:language-textmate:$editorVersion'


You can find the newest version name from the badge above, or turn to our GitHub Releases page for full version list.

Currently, available modules names are: editor, editor-lsp, language-java, language-textmate and language-treesitter. Check the table below to get more information about the modules.

🛠️Available modules

editorWidget library containing all basic things of the framework
editor-lspA convenient library for creating languages by Language Server Protocol (aka LSP)
language-javaA simple implementation for Java lexer-based highlighting and identifier auto-completion
language-textmateAn advanced highlighter for the editor. It can be used to load TextMate language bundles and themes. The internal implementation of TextMate is from tm4e
language-treesitterOffer tree-sitter support for editor. This can be used to parse the code to an AST fast and incrementally, which is helpful for accurate highlighting and providing completions. Note that this module only provides incremental parsing and highlighting. Thanks to Java bindings android-tree-sitter

🚧Snapshot Builds

Generally, it is recommended to use released versions. But sometimes you may still want to use nightly builds for latest bug fixes and enhancements.

How to Use Snapshot Builds

Snapshot versions are automatically published on repository push. You may combine current released version name and short commit hash to make a snapshot version name.

For example, if the latest released version name is '0.21.1' and short commit hash is '97c4963', you may use version name '0.21.1-97c4963-SNAPSHOT' to import the snapshot version to your project.

Note that adding extra maven repository is required:

repositories {
    // ...

Configure Desugaring for TextMate

If you use language-textmate module in your project, and want to run the application on devices under Android 13 (API 33), you must enable Core Library Desugaring to avoid compatibility issues. Otherwise, you can go on to next section.

To enable the desugaring, follow the instructions below to setup your application module. Note that the following instructions are for AGP 7.4.0 or above.

  • Add Desugaring Dependency
dependencies {
dependencies {
    coreLibraryDesugaring ''
  • Add Compile Option
android {
    compileOptions {
        isCoreLibraryDesugaringEnabled = true
android {
    compileOptions {
        coreLibraryDesugaringEnabled true


When desugaring is enabled, you should build the production APK in Android Studio by:

  • Build from menu Build | Build Bundle(s) / APK(s) | Build APK(s)
  • Or, run Gradle task assemble<Variant>. For example, execute assembleDebug for your debug variant.

Android Studio tries to speed up the desugaring process when you run the application on a specific device from clicking the Run button (or shortcuts Shift+F10). It will generate a device API specific APK, and as a result the APK may not work properly on other devices.

Alternatively, you can disable this feature in Android Studio by disabling Experimental > Optimize build for target device API level only in preferences to avoid this issue.

Create the Widget

Please ensure you have included editor module in your project, and then sync your project with Gradle files successfully.

The main widget class is io.github.rosemoe.sora.widget.CodeEditor. You can create the code editor either by XML or Java/Kotlin code(recommended). Only limited editor attributes can be set in XML.

Use in XML

Declare editor in your layout XML files:

    app:text="Hello, world!"
    app:textSize="18sp" />

It's not necessary to set text or textSize in XML declaration.

Refer to XML Attributes for more information about its usage in XML.


It is not recommended to use wrap_content for editor width or height. In that case, when the text is editted, the editor has to request re-layout which probably causes lags.

Use in Java/Kotlin code

Just create a editor and add it to any view group. Supposing we are in any Activity context, and vg is a ViewGroup instance.

val editor = CodeEditor(this)
editor.setText("Hello, world!") // Set text
editor.typefaceText = Typeface.MONOSPACE // Use Monospace Typeface
editor.nonPrintablePaintingFlags =
                CodeEditor.FLAG_DRAW_WHITESPACE_LEADING or CodeEditor.FLAG_DRAW_LINE_SEPARATOR or CodeEditor.FLAG_DRAW_WHITESPACE_IN_SELECTION // Show Non-Printable Characters
vg.add(editor, ViewGroup.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT))
var editor = new CodeEditor(this);
editor.setText("Hello, world!"); // Set Text
editor.setTypefaceText(Typeface.MONOSPACE); // Use Monospace Typeface
                CodeEditor.FLAG_DRAW_WHITESPACE_LEADING | CodeEditor.FLAG_DRAW_LINE_SEPARATOR | CodeEditor.FLAG_DRAW_WHITESPACE_IN_SELECTION); // Show Non-Printable Characters
vg.add(editor, new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT));

Please view methods of CodeEditor and fields of DirectAccessProps for more attributes you can configure.


Not all fields of DirectAccessProps can take effect without invalidation. Call invalidate() on editor after changing those fields marked with @InvalidateRequired.

Methods and fields that marked with @UnsupportedUserUsage should not be used. They are visible for internal access.

Release the Widget

When a CodeEditor instance is no longer used, its release() method must be invoked to release resources and any background thread serving for the editor. After releasing the editor, you should not use the editor, to avoid errors.

override fun onDestroy() {
protected void onDestroy() {
    if (editor != null) {


Go to Language and Color Scheme to equip the editor with programming language support and your custom color scheme.

Released under the LGPL-2.1 License.